During the week of Oct. 4 through Oct. 8, the school found itself in a mayhem as the realization hit that all of the toilet paper in the school had been depleted. Along with the lack of this necessity the AS bathrooms found themselves bare of hand soap. The lack of these toiletry items, and necessary products brings us to the subject of hygiene.
“Hygiene is important because you have to keep yourself clean as well as smelling good; keep the odor away,” Marshall Best, senior, said.
Hygiene is more than just a common courtesy; it is a needed practice of keeping the body clean and healthy so that one does not find oneself in a sickly state. If a person does not keep themselves clean, dressed, and appropriately sanitized they run the risk for contracting germs that cause illnesses. This can spread to an epidemic of simple sicknesses throughout the school that cause the attendance rate to decrease and run the risk of losing Roosevelt’s “Recognized” status.
“I carry hand sanitizer and wash my hands frequently to keep myself clean and germ free,” Best said.
Along with keeping yourself healthy, hygiene also keeps you looking, smelling and feeling fresh. Most students appreciate being able to walk into a class and it not smell like body odor, musty, or just plain disgusting. Students should brush their teeth twice a day, shower often, wash their hands, and use antiperspirant or deodorant. Doing these simple things will help students look and feel clean which helps them focus in school because they are not worrying about the whispering, weird looks, or wondering if they are the lingering odor in the room.
“Count how many times you touch your face in a day. Not washing hands transfers bad stuff to your FACE! UGH!” Rosemary Riggs, science teacher, said.