The School Year Begins To Wind Down
The yellow light has flashed through Roosevelt as everything begins to slow down. After spring break students tend to take in the last joys of the final nine weeks. There are mixed emotions about the last few weeks at Roosevelt, for seniors it may be somewhat sad and exciting at the same time. As for the underclassman, it is the greatest part of the year.
“I’m excited because the summer, but I’m mostly excited because I’m almost a senior,” Sapphire Neece, junior, said.
Everyone knows that when something big is about to happen it seems like the time creeps by extremely slow. This is no different for students waiting for the last day of school, for them these are the longest days of their lives. As the anticipation grows, students begin to feel the heat of summer on their necks and the wait becomes unbearable.
“I think the school year will end fast because we only have about a month left,” Jimmy Nesmith, sophomore, said.

Though students have begun to relax and create a more laid back attitude for the closing of the year, teachers appear to have the opposite attitude. Teachers will continue to feel the need to watch over students to be sure they are on task and not beginning to slack. Wanting their students to pass and their seniors to graduate, teachers will be on high alert to be sure students are on task to finish out their school year passing.
Some teachers believe that the more tight the teacher become the more the students may want to push away.
“It’s like keeping a lid on a boiling pot. As natural as it is to keep the lid on the boiling pot, how tight the teachers need to hold a grip on the class will be related to the level of resistance they face while trying to teach to the end of the year. The Roosevelt students know the value of their education,” Lee DeWitt, Forensic Science and Pre AP Physics teacher, said.
For seniors, this is the final weeks as high school students. Seniors have worked hard for four years to make it to this point and though their work is not yet over, seniors are starting to become more joyous of their last days. Some seniors have already made plans for the ending of the school year and beginning of summer.
“I’m just gonna finish all my classes and hopefully at the end of the year I can get a lot of my friends together for a trip to Six Flags,” Brandon Perez, senior, said.
It is hard to escape the inevitable when it comes to the ending of the school. Some students will work harder than before and some teachers will relax, but in the end all know that school is still in session and work is still expected to be done. Students and teachers will work hard together to end the school year with students raising a grade and seniors graduating.