The date Sept. 11th will always be remembered, but one pastor made it unforgettable, in more ways than one.

Pastor Terry Jones struck up quite the controversy when he announced via Twitter that Sept. 11 would be national “Burn a Qur’an Day.” The holiday would consist of Jones’ church (Dove World Outreach Center) gathering up Qur’ans and simply burning them.
“I feel the “Burn A Qur’an” holiday is a sign at how easily we are willing to be misinformed. All these claims of the Qur’an and Islam itself being a dangerous religion is merely from misinformation and jumping to conclusions based on false info,” Demetrius George, senior, said.
The holiday has sparked outrage among the Islamic religion causing protests in places like Indonesia and Kubal. With the angry protesters shouting “Death to America,” it comes as no surprise that since he made the announcement, Jones has received over 100 death threats. Even Though Jones had been receiving many death threats, the only way Jones would be stopping the burning is if the mosque, planned to be built near ground zero, was built further away. Jones had plans to fly to New York and have a meeting with Park51; the people behind the mosque project, but, those plans quickly fell through when Park51 had no plans to move the mosque.
Then, On Sept. 11th, Jones said his church will never burn a Qur’an whether or not the mosque would be built. Jones told NBC’s “Today” show that they have accomplished their goal of exposing that Islam is a very dangerous religion, so the burning of the Qur’an did not take place and will not take place. With goals reached and outcomes still to come Jones released the holiday.
“Islam is a religion of peace and knowledge, these violence ideals do not stem from the Qur’an itself but from false leaders in the communities changing the word of Allah to fit their needs. The Qur’an doesn’t endorse violence, terrorism, or anything of the sort,” George said.