College Night at Roosevelt Informs Seniors About College
On Sept. 30, seniors had a majorly important night to prepare for the future. It was an opportunity for them to get the information they need to go to college. The night included many presentations by different people that helped students learn as much as they needed about applying for college. Many students were glad about attending.
“I’m glad I went because I got a lot of information,” Azalea Toney, senior, said.
Some major information that was given was about the FAFSA form. This form is filled out by students and their parents to let them get funds to pay for college. The best part about FAFSA is that it is the money that students do not have to pay back. It is “free money.” The FAFSA contains a few changes this year, such as that it is a lot shorter than it has been in the previous years. But students need to remember that they have to renew their FAFSA every year to continue receiving funds for college.
Other information was given to the parents that were there as well. Parents were schooled in how they can help in the preparations for college. Parents were told when to file their taxes and the information needed to help their child to fill out the FAFSA form. Parents were also given information about how to help their students apply for scholarships and different ways to get money to help pay for their students tuitions.
Before attending the college night many students were nervous about preparing and going to college, but after attending the students nerves are at ease.
“After going I do feel more confident about college and less nervous about it,” Shambra Woods, senior, said.
Even for some students who thought they already knew everything they would need, they were surprised that they, too, learned a few things.
“I already new most of the stuff they talked about but I did learn some new information like when the seniors are suppose to take their pictures,” Oakland Hoffman, senior, said.
Seniors that did go to the Senior College Night were given as much information as they needed to get ready for college, but for seniors that did not go or some that are still unsure of anything, take a trip to your counselor’s office. They can provide any help that students need. With their help and going to Senior College Night, students are well prepared for college.